
We’d love to have you join us at Creek Kids Care. Everyone is welcome, and there is no membership requirement — just show up and participate when you can make the time.

A lot of our work these days happens with our three Creek Kids Care school clubs:

Walnut Creek Intermediate
The Creek Kids at WCI meet about every other week on Wednesday mornings (late-start Wednesdays) at 8:30 in room 305. Everyone is welcome. We meet to paint, assemble stationery, vote on how to spend the money we’ve earned, and plan for various CKC events. Fun and easy.

Stanley Intermediate
The Creek Kids at Stanley meet about every other week on Fridays at lunch. Everyone is welcome. We meet to paint, assemble stationery, vote on how to spend the money we’ve earned, and plan for various CKC events. Fun and easy.

Las Lomas High School
The Las Lomas Creek Kids meet most Wednesdays during lunch in room 305. Everyone is welcome. It’s a large group and always growing. Many of these Creek Kids have been involved since they were little. Fun and easy to participate. We keep in touch through our Creek Kids at Las Lomas Facebook group.

If you don’t attend these schools, there are lots of other options to get involved (although these options do not happen with the same regularity as our school groups).

1. Participate in one of our advertised art parties. All ages may participate (preschool-age kids need to be accompanied by an adult). These events are fun — a great introductory activity to learn what Creek Kids is all about. Our art parties last an hour to 90 minutes. Come for any or all of it.

2. Maybe you’re the leader of a scout troop or a youth group; maybe you have a child who would like to have a group of friends over to paint for an afternoon. We’d love to introduce you to Creek Kids. Call us to schedule your own art party.

3. Creek Kids is a great way to complete community service hours. If you have a scout troop or youth group, we can train you how to assemble the stationery. We’ve had scout troops assemble for Creek Kids for many years!

4. Participate in Creek Kids projects that aren’t specific to school groups. Our Sleeping Bags, Tents, and Tarps delivery, Holiday Angel Project, Say Yes Youth Benefit Concert, and Mother of Peace sponsorships are ways to tap into what Creek Kids are doing. (See Projects . . . and Say Yes.)

There are so many ways for kids to get involved. We’d love to have you! Contact us with questions.