Victoria Johnson


Victoria Johnson first discovered Creek Kids Care at an art party at Parkmead Elementary in 2008 and has been active ever since.  She joined the CKC Board in 2011.

Victoria is responsible for CKC communications and is always looking for funding and new connections in the community.  Her favorite CKC activity is to facilitate art parties students. This is done at a variety of venues including the classroom, Girl Scout meetings and general art parties.

Victoria’s children, Grace (middle school), Henry and Allison (both elementary school)  are active participants at most Creek Kids Care activities.

Rachelle Cashion

Co-Vice President

It was Rachelle’s children that began her participation in Creek Kids Care at an art party in 2008. The love of art coupled with the community and global connection that Creek Kids promotes is what made the lasting involvement. Rachelle joined the board in 2014.

Rachelle is involved in many aspects of the running of Creek Kids Care with a focus on art parties, new funding sources and Parkmead Liaison.

Rachelle’s children are active at their respective middle and elementary schools.

Allison Ridenhour

Project Coordinator

Allison Ridenhour has been a parent supporting Creek Kids Care from its earliest beginnings. Over her years of involvement, she has participated in many art parties and Trinity Center celebrations, as well as involving her daughter’s Girl Scout Troop to help create the stationary. In 2013, Allison joined the CKC board. As a board member, Allison coordinates many of the Creek Kids Care projects, including the Trinity Center Angel Project, Mother of Peace Sponsorships and Annual Fundraisers.  Allison was so grateful to be able to share the trip to Mother of Peace with her daughter Maggie (a college graduate and active CKC member since its inception), cementing their common love of giving to others in need.

Laura Halpin

Co-Founder and Advisor to the Board

Laura Halpin initiated Creek Kids Care with her children, then 5- and 7-years-old, in early 2004.

Laura oversees two school satellite groups, and participates in most levels of Creek Kids Care administration and activities. This year, she is organizing a group of Creek Kids Care families to travel to Mother of Peace Community in Mutoko, Zimbabwe. This trip is a dream come true for her and many other Creek Kids, and will be undertaken in honor of CKC co-founder Julie Miles.

Laura’s children, now high schoolers, remain very active in Creek Kids Care.

Catherine Freemire and Julie Miles

Co-Founders. No longer on the board, but forever a part of CKC

Creek Kids Care will forever be grateful to our partner, friend, and co-founder Julie Miles, who passed away on January 6, 2011.

In addition to her leadership role at CKC, Julie served as the Program Director of the J.F. Kapnek Charitable Trust, an organization that CKC supported for six years.

We miss Julie every day, and we honor her by continuing the good work and unfailing dedication she demonstrated throughout her incredibly vibrant life. Creek Kids Care honors Julie’s memory every year with our Say Yes Youth Benefit Concert.

Creek Kids Care was shaped in huge part by co-founder Catherine Freemire, mother of two college-age Creek Kids, family therapist, and dynamic human being.

The energy, creativity, and drive Cat brought to Creek Kids Care was an incredible gift. She was in charge of major events, organized our Thanksgiving contributions to Trinity Center every year, and managed many other tasks, big and small.